среда, 1 октября 2008 г.

What is the Zapatista Solidarity Coalition?

The Zapatista Solidarity Coalition actively supports the Zapatista
communities in Chiapas.They continue to resist the Mexican
military and paramilitary efforts to divide and destroy those com-
munities.We raise money to fund creative economic development,
education and health projects.Thousands of dollars have been sent
to help people who have been displaced by the cruel para-military
groups sponsored by the uncaring Mexican Government.This
money has been spent to build schools and to develop cooperative
stores and health clinics.

Fund raisers are held to sell T-shirts,sweatshirts and other
items prodused locally,as well as arts and crafts from Chiapas such
as huipiles(dresses),purses,belts,bracelets,wall hangings.From
Mexico we also bring beautiful T-shirts whit messages of resistance.

The ZSC works to educate people in the U.S.about the
situation in Chiapas,Mexico by presentations employing
slides,videos and speakers.Presentations are made to schools,
universities,church and community groups.We also disseminate
information by making appearances on radio and television and by
writing articles for the print media.

We strive to put Zapatista principles into practice here in
our own community.This is done by sponsoring cultural programs
work with students and support the efforts of workers to organize.
We work in a collaborative,non-hierachial fashion.We invite you to join us!
The meeting is the first Sunday of each month at 10:00AM.

Zapatista Solidarity Coalition
909 12th St.#118
Sacramento,CA 95814
(916)443-3424 or zapa@zsc.org

U.S. and Canadian Chiapas Solidarity Groups and NGOsBikes for Chiapas

http://www.schoolsforchiapas.org/bikes/San Diego, CABuilding Bridges Chiapas Observer

http://www.vcn.bc.ca/building/Vancouver, BC CanadaCarolina Interfaith Task Force

on Central America
http://www.citca.org/16 chapters across North and South

CarolinaCharlottesville Latin American Solidarity Committee (no website) Charlottesville,

VAChiapas Coalition 98
http://thedagger.com/chiapas/Los Angeles, CAChiapas Education

Project (no website) Durham, NCChiapas Media Project

http://www.promedios.org/Chicago, ILChiapas Peace House

http://www.chiapaspeacehouse.org/Chicago, ILChiapas Support Committee

http://www.chiapas-support.org/Oakland, CACloudforest Initiatives

http://www.hwpics.com/cloudforest-mexico/St. Paul, MNCommittee of Indigenous Solidarity

http://cis.mahost.org/Washington, D.CCommittee against Repression and for Democracy in

Mexico (no website) Seattle, WACommittee in Solidarity with Central American People

http://www.efn.org/~ciscap/Eugene, ORCommittee on US/Latin American Relations

http://www.rso.cornell.edu/cuslar/Ithaca, NYCommunity Action on Latin America

http://www.calamadison.org/Madison, WICoordinadora Internacional de Apoyo al Pueblo de

Mexico (no website) Chicago ILDenver Chiapas Coalition (no website) Denver, CODoctors for

Global Health
http://www.dghonline.org/Decatur, GAEstación Libre (no website) various cities

in U.S.Global Exchange
http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/mexico/San Francisco,

CAGrassroots Interconnect publishes a quarterly newsletter called Interconnect whose purpose

is to encourage dialogue on movement-building among 1750 US-Latin America solidarity groups

and to share resources. (no website) Pittsford, NYHoward County Friends of Latin America

http://members.home.com/howardrights/hocofola/chiapas.htmBaltimore, MDIllinois Maya

http://www.illinoismayaministry.org/Westchester, ILInterReligious Task Force on

Central America (no website) Cleveland, OHKentucky Interfaith Task Force on Latin America

\and the Caribbean (no website) Louisville, KYMexico Solidarity Network

http://www.mexicosolidarity.org/Chicago, ILNew York Zapatistas (no website) New York, New

YorkOrganic Consumers Association
http://www.organicconsumers.org/chiapas/Little Marais,

MNPastors for Peace/Interreligious Fdtn. for Community Organization

http://www.ifconews.org/chiapas.htmlNew York, New YorkPeace Brigades International

http://www.peacebrigades.org/Washington, D.C.Pledge of Resistance

http://poetics.org/DaytonPOR/default.htmDayton, OHPortland Central American Solidarity

Committee (no website) Portland, ORPueblo por la Paz, Tucson

http://members.tripod.com/~PPLPTucson, AZRochester Committee on Latin America, a

project of Metro Justice
http://www.metrojustice.org/task_forces.htmRochester, NYSchools

for Chiapas
http://schoolsforchiapas.org/San Diego, CASIPAZ International Service for Peace

http://www.sipaz.org/Santa Cruz, CAStudents Taking Action in Chiapas (STAC)

http://www.stacmexico.com/Halifax, Montreal, and PetersboroughWitness for Peace

http://www.witnessforpeace.org/mexico/index.htmlWashington, D.C.Zapatista Block

http://www.geocities.com/zapatistablock/index1.htmWashington, D.C.Zapatista Solidarity

Coalition http://www.
zapata-revolt.blogspot.com Sacramento, CA